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Magdalena, 31 y.o.
Augsburg, Germany [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 98.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 11, 2011
Yes I'm studying both music and social sciences. Here, we have some kind of transition between the high school and university (we are the only province to have this) named CÉGEP. I'm in my first year of CÉGEP at this moment. I'll go to the university in 3 years.

How's the education system in Germany?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 9, 2011
Wow, that's awesome! It's so easy for you to travel :P. You should see the american-line controls, it sometimes is scary :P. I hope I could go to Spain, Italia, Germany, Scandinavia (even if it's sooo expensive), and so much more xD. I've been in europe once, in Great Britain, with the school. We've been to London, Bath, Edinburg...That's was great actually, but I hope I could do trips less turistic in the future. I'd like to be more in contact with the people of the country. That's why I plan to learn german, then spanish, then swedish, then italian, then portugues, then japanese, then... then... xD. Right now, it's one of my goal to be triligual (french, english, spanish).

And... Of course yes I like to travel xD.

What are you studying? Do you plan on learning some other languages? (at which age is taught the english in Germany?).

See ya :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 7, 2011
I'm little tired..T.T
But I'm OK :)
coz I am always tired. lol
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2011
Yes, I live in Canada. I'm from Québec, the francophone province xD. I haven't been much in the other provinces, except for Ontario and those near the ocean. There are nature yes. Near the ocean is really beautiful...And Québec too :). People who wen to the West said that the nature in British colombia is awesome with all the mountains.

Do you travel, or planing on doing so? :)
Bye bye :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2011
Hi :)
Thank you for visiting XD
How are you?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2011
yes please i play it in Church
wow thats good
so whats your name?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2011
hello how are you doin?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 5, 2011
Hi! I hope your doing well!
How's your home (germany :).

Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2010
hei :D
inactive user
Hello :)
It's been a while since we last talked, hasn't it?
I've been really busy and i lost your message somewhere, sorry for it!
You have right that it's hard to decide about job when we are so young, but we can practice a little and find something proper for ourselves =) When i was choosing a high school it was a very difficult to decide which one i should choose cause i didn't know what i will do in future. So i'm on language profile and next year i will have more geography lessons =) I will take part in exchange between students so that will help me improve my poor english. After school i want to travel all around the world and i want to enjoy every moment, but for this time i've no idea what kind of job i should choose :( Anyway, i have almost 3 years to think about it ;D
How have you been up to since we last talked? In Poland it was snowing a lot last week, how about Germany :)?
See you later & take care!
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