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Elly Jeong, 35 y.o.
Anyang-si, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
inactive user
My name is April. :) Nice to meet you. ^^ I hope we become good penpals!
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Dec 13, 2011
Hey, could we be friends? I would like to learn about South Korea and you. I can answer any questions about English.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 26, 2011
so sorry for the late reply!!!!
i was very busy these few months finishing my last semester of my university~ yeah i've come to korea n i miss it now!!!
i wanna go there once more so badly.....i'll save up money to go there once again~
inactive user
anyeong haseyo chin goo
inactive user
I need one muffler...please send to me.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2010 sorry for the late reply (^_^)
i've just finished my final exams for me...
yup2!!! I lovvvvveeeeee korean....hahaha
in fact, this december i'll go to korea...kyaaa~~haha
inactive user
How are you beauty ?
inactive user
Fine, I am going to sleep soon.

Good night. Have a sound sleep.
inactive user
Nice to meet you too.

How are you ?
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