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エステ- <333, 32 y.o.
Lyon, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 174.
inactive user
I just came back from Beijing, my boyfriend 's parents came to China visit,we took them around Beijing and Dalian, I am happy they were enjoy it here. What's going on with you?
inactive user
i am good, is there everything going well with you?
my boyfriend came China, i haven't gone to France yet, i wish i could gone there, i like there so much. So now, you can speak Japanese fluently right?
inactive user
how is everything going... i have been so long time no seeing you.
I just met a france friend couple weeks ago , her Chinese is pretty good,how is Chinese languages going ...?:)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 20, 2010
Hello! Nice to meet you!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 14, 2010
yeahhh =)
i want to snail penpal !! =)
now, i spend message to you
Reply - Conversation - Apr 13, 2010
Hi, I'm Subi. :) Nice to meet you too, Esther. X) wow, really ? Nice ! I'm looking for snail mail pen pals from Europe.:D
Reply - Conversation - Apr 13, 2010
heyyy =)
how are u??
inactive user
inactive user
Today I finished tests!!xDDDDD *party!* Andd I got loads of homework!!8D­ Yaaaa... That's not YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!D'8<­
...How are youu doiiiiing!!!!??^^
inactive user
Heeeeeyyy!! Sorry for my late reply!!x.x
BIG tests are coimng and I'm busy and dying!!8'D So let me know how to burn the tests!!
x'D !! How are you doing?!!!^________________^ <333

Miss youuu!!x___x
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