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Ninja, 33 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 66.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 26, 2014
Pyeri peivi! Mii kulloo? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 8, 2010
tack...längesedan jag var härinne :)
förlåt att jag varit borta.... :(
men jag ska vara här mycket mer nu :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 7, 2009
Hei mitä kuuluu? =) mä oon Andres, asun Perussa (Peru on etelä-Amerikassa), puhun espanjaa, englantia ja vähän suomea :D
inactive user
Hi! What is Finnish traditional dance like?

inactive user
how ru...
Greetings From Egypt
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2009
hey sweety ^^
how r u ?my name is tayeb,i'm from morocco , i live in agadir , i'm 21 years old.I am happy to know you, to friendship, love and sincerity,
I believe that these things that I said a while ago...In addition to that,
I want to know some of the language,In order to gain knowledge, something else.
I love this life, especially if people are nice.
This is wishful thinking. Do we want to be friends?
Do you want to give me your email please ?
wow you are so pretty & sexy
This is my email:
Reply - Conversation - Jun 7, 2009
what it is mean holiday start? you mean summer vacation?
inactive user
Really that you have a text about Curitiba in your english book? It's interesting... :) I hope in only good things about Curitiba have been written in the text...
By the way, nice position in your photo. What are you trying to do?
inactive user
Well, I don't play online MMRPGs (you know, like Warcraft or whatever). The sort I do is where...hmm, how to explain. Basically, I create a character, and someone else another character. Then I go on the forum and write what my character does, and another player can reply to the post about how their character interacts with mine. It's a bit hard to explain. If you want I can send you a link to my forum so you can see how it works. ^^
inactive user
Just generally. Like tv-shows, movies etc. =)
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