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Dnlsfr, 36 y.o.
Portland, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 277.
inactive user
Pareces casi normal y todo o.O
inactive user
91 566 15 32. Call me! ;)
inactive user
Haha xD
Shut up, bitch
inactive user
Tu madre en pelotas
inactive user
Violent bitch!
inactive user
Would you do that to me? O.O
inactive user
Sorry for my late reply. I'm with a headache right now.

But that must have been really painful :S
inactive user
How did it happen? O.O
inactive user
Are you ******* serious? xD
inactive user
I don't think it works that easily :P
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