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R.Divaaharan, 35 y.o.
Kandy, Sri Lanka [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 209.
inactive user
my dys went normal
shool nd stuff like tht

wht do u study then???
inactive user

thx for the cmmt

but where were u in these days
i ve chat with u since months or so

hw r u my friend???

ve a nice dy ^^
hope to hear from u soon
inactive user
Hey man
How u doing
Just wanted to know
Have u started Uni yet
Medicine isnt is?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 31, 2009
inactive user
my hobbies r: friends, shopping, music, etc... what about u??
inactive user
thanks.... =)
ehmmm. i had a shower before some min..
but now i'm chatting with my friends..
and u? what r u doing?? is it interesting or boring there??
inactive user
ok diva is gd.
my name is mariya. mariiiy*
inactive user
ok thx.

yes i'm tamil.
but i want to speak english,
that i can improve my knowledge....
inactive user
hey you wht up
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2009
Hi there!

Why thank you!

I'm good, thanks! Just really busy with school. What about you?

Oh, guess what?? We're studying Sri Lanka in school! How cool is that?! haha! XD
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