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Diana, 30 y.o.
Bucharest, Romania [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 226.
inactive user
Nice pics 😊
inactive user
hey Diana, I'm Brad, I see you recently came back to this site and you are looking for an English speaking penpal with similar interests. I will be that person :)
inactive user
it builds up slowly but trust me, it's worth it.
inactive user
well you need to watch Mad Men.
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Nov 13, 2017
Uma musica que está fazendo muito sucesso no Brasil é Trem-Bala da Ana Vilela :)

Espero ter ajudado.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 13, 2016
oi. mucho gusto saludarte
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - May 26, 2016
Conte -me sobre voce e sua familia
Reply - Conversation - May 26, 2016
Oi, sera um prazer te-la como amiga
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