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David, 32 y.o.
Cali, Colombia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 74.
inactive user
inactive user
so where are you from my friend i think your name is david i am ayoub nice to meet you
inactive user
my favorite is live while we're young
and i like niall horand what about you
and why do u asking this question t first do you want to writ project aout one derection or what ??
inactive user
yes why you asking
inactive user
yes why you asking
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2012
it does, but we also have to study lots o' chemistry, so... it's almost the same. but at least organic is pretty cool
Reply - Conversation - Mar 20, 2012
I'v jst discovered that i don't like phisic-chemistry that much... But i still love organic chem... (classes of the day)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 13, 2012
it's not THAT interesting, at least till now...
Reply - Conversation - Mar 11, 2012
don't know... wht u mean THE most? It's kinda hard 2 say
Reply - Conversation - Mar 10, 2012
chemical engineering. it's not that far... haushaus lol
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