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Dalton, 32 y.o.
Nashville, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 40.
inactive user
Yep ^.^ my father used to be a mission president and so we were moving here there and everywhere :)
inactive user
The far north many many years ago, after we came in from NZ
inactive user
Yeah I used to live up there. haha
inactive user
You should go to Canada!
inactive user
That's my dream too! Where have you been so far?
inactive user
Ehh I was with guides and stuff when I was in paris and it wasn't that great, but thne going out on our own was fantastic and then getting to stay with host families was really great too! That's another way to truly experience a country, avoid hotels!
inactive user
Yes, totally worth it! and I would go to the sites, see all that I could, go shopping and go to events, especially things off the tourist path. So much better than being guided.
inactive user
Well it dpeends on where you're going, I have never spent more than $1100 for everything. and that's for a week.
inactive user
I went in March and then in May, and I go by myself! You can actually enjoy the time away from everyone that way!
inactive user
hmm somewhere warm? I'd say a Carribbean island, but it all depends on your budget. I'd recommend Saint Martin, it's one of the prettiest islands and the people are friendly. But be prepared to speak French and Dutch :p
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