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Joncarlo, 37 y.o.
Kansas City, United States [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 587.
Reply - Conversation - May 21, 2012
We are having a blast. They Key's were really, really fun. But the weather was pretty shitty. One day we rented bike's and rode around town all day, it rained really hard but it was still so awesome. And our couch surfer and her mom were these two stoner hippies that were really inspiring. Today we went to HP world. And tomorrow we're going to St Augustine Beach for 2 days. You should be here. Just come down now, you can still catch the end of this vaca! Gabby's doing great, we've been to 2 meetings so far
Reply - Conversation - May 21, 2012
You mean you're actually going to snail mail me? Finally? Hubba hubba ^.^
You better write me letter's while I'm in South Dakota for the summer because I deleted my facebook and will have minimal internet access and can't be estranged from my husband for that long! Or at least send me a few mixes since I'll be stuck with the same playlist for months -_-
I wish I had your talents. You have a gift straight from the rock god's.I'm taking Gab to see Dawson's band play tomorrow! It's going to be suhweeeet :-)
Reply - Conversation - May 21, 2012
BRAIN FART- totes thought you said do you like my mix cd's?

So, to answer your question-
I hate mix cd's, I lurve sugar bear mixes!
Reply - Conversation - May 21, 2012
You've really outdone yerself. We've been listening to them on repeat this whole trip. Basically our entire vacation has consisted of nothing but driving. Why aren't you here? Bad sugar bear.
Reply - Conversation - May 21, 2012
Oh, hello Jon Carlo from Kansa City, MO. My name is Sam, let's be friends?
inactive user
hola hermano.
cuando me regreso nada más que español entre nosotros. entiendo?
inactive user
Thank you. And this past month or two has been excellent for music. So much good stuff came out!

No, I didn't yet. What are some good tracks?
inactive user
i ruv you jace.
inactive user
*dad, tell me a story...*
inactive user
idk if you saw on gabby's profile, but i have a boyfriend and my boyfriend scored he and i free bonnaroo tickets (well, we have an 85% chance of getting them) and i'm super stoked on life.
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