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Chanhee Lee, 31 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 231.
inactive user
No problem! I completely understand, I'm a freshman in college and I know what you mean by being busy studying. Sorry for the late reply myself. How did you do on your midterm exams, by the way?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 11, 2015
Yes, because Russian is very hard to learn for someone who speaks a language that has no roots to this language and a whole diferent alphabet to go with it and very extensive words
Reply - Conversation - Oct 10, 2015
I see you are learning Russian, maybe I can help
inactive user
That's amazing, where are you traveling too?
Especially strawberry bubble tea, it's my favorite (:
inactive user
Over here its summer and the weather is pretty hot!
That's amazing, to keep in touch with your elementary
friends (: Oh I love bubble tea! It's so good!!
inactive user
That's good that it went well!
Awesome, I love to rest all day too (:
Lol how's the weather like over there?
inactive user
Hi Chanhee Lee! ^^ I like reading books and going to the movies too. Though I haven't gone in almost a month...what type of books do you like reading? :)
inactive user
In school at the moment. And yourself?
Oh btw the name is Mariah (:
Reply - Conversation - May 17, 2015
That's cool! Hangout with friends is good think
inactive user
Hello! Nice to meet you (:
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