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Katya, Katusha, Katerina, 30 y.o.
Paris, France [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1416.
inactive user
^ ^"
Reply - Conversation - Aug 23, 2014
Great idea.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 23, 2014
Is that a bad thing? If you don't want to see the photographs now, perhaps you could just save the roll in a safe place and develop it in 50 years or something.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 23, 2014
Haha! :D Did you shoot that roll of film? Do you remember what's on it?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 23, 2014
You have a Zenit too? What's it doing on your cupboard, getting all dusty? You should use it :D
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2014
Lmao second most are Americans I can only imagine dumb racist shit spam.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 12, 2014
Lmao every Russian girl gets so many Turkish visitors. I can only imagine the "please suck my kebab" message spam.
inactive user
Ohlala!! Superbe!! :D on étudie l'arabe darija, c'est l'arabe plus formal, des informatifs, journals... et c'est pareil à l'arabe classique :)
inactive user
woaaah sounds sooo interesting!! I wanted to study translation and interpretation but it was a mess with my mark and finally i choosed the french philology with arabic as second language, and im not sad in there :) alors tu parles francais aussi... très interesant haha tu dois être très fatiguée avec autant de travail
inactive user
by the moment i study french (but i have studied it since 13 y.o) and arabic since september. no more xD and u? you study too a philological degree or smth different?
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