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Raeleen, 30 y.o.
Las Vegas, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 11 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 87.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 3, 2013
having fun!! i have no practice there.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 3, 2013
Hi!! nice to meet you too. im good now
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2011
Where the world would be without randomness? What would people achieve? If Columbus hadn't thought about another way to India, we probably still wouldn't know about America - and you about us, too! Randomness is very much needed in this world~ :3

By the way - you'll be the first person who I tell about it! - I'm MOVING today~! n________n My mum and I are packing last Absolutely Needed things and in a few hours we'll finally be able to say that we live on countryside :3 Unfortunately, we won't have Internet for some time... But hey! @@ I can do many things instead of surfing, like learning Japanese (FINALLY). And I'll still visit my grandpa in Leszno. With my laptop >3 Maybe I'll survive.

Well, of course RPing is much, much more funny with OCs than without them @@ My friend and I have tons of them... They fulfil the world of Bleach and our own world, too! :3 But in these three years we did so much so canon went somewhere and didn't come back yet |D""""' But it's still amazing anyway! n_____n
Reply - Conversation - Jul 5, 2011
Hahah, who cares about math when it's possible to draw? XD School is too boring to do what it wants from us. Sometimes we simply need randomness~ :3

*sings* Money makes the world go 'round... Bleh. I understand it's amazing rationalization, but it also makes so many things impossible for common mortals~ It's so annoying when I want to have something, but on the other hand I feel like I'd regret buying it for so much money.

Antoniooo~! <33 Love him. He's so comical. I don't cosplay, unfortunately, I don't think I'd have a heart to do this. But I roleplay, especially about Bleach and have DAMN many OCs to it. Someday I'll be out of divisions to set my characters XD""

Btw, my dA is Yang-Michi~ :3

Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2011
Yay <3 So let it be Rae-chan~ n___n

Bwahahah, I usually do the same XD Especially on my English lessons, my notebook looks rather like sketchpad |3 But my teacher isn't angry with me, he likes my art, I'm in definitely worse situation when I start to read books. Especially if they have 1350 pages |D When we had last lesson and he was giving us advices for next schoolyear, I heard only one thing: 'Make a limit of reading on my lessons, ****.' Exackly in these words XD I love this guy.

Aww, you're looking for a house, too? :3 Well, we were really lucky - we found a nice house in nice place with HUGE meadow for an acceptable price; its owners wanted to sell it as fast as possible and didn't really care about money~ Anyway, hope you'll find something soon! n_n

You cosplay? :3 What characters? And do you have your deviantART profile~? :3
Reply - Conversation - Jun 28, 2011
si estudio arte y mi deviant es D4h0m3y aunque esta un poco abandonado tengo que actualizar este verano yo tambien dibujo mas,
Reply - Conversation - Jun 28, 2011
siii por supuesto me gustan mucho xxxholic,school rumble, evangelion y si sigo no acabo xD
Reply - Conversation - Jun 28, 2011
Okay~ I will!>w<
inactive user
It's cool that your repertoire ranges from classical to contemporary music! Which do you prefer to play? :D
Mainly I play my stuffs, but I also play covers (usually blues, classic rock covers) to play in pubs and places like that :P
Reply - Conversation - Jun 28, 2011
Noo, my name isn't cute, it's plain, colourless and damn common ;__; And how can I call you? Rae-chan?

Yup~! n_____n I'm having summer break! *yaaay!* And I don't spend time on anything but drawing, writing letters, drawing again and sleeping~ I won't go anywhere this year - my family bought a house and we have to finish repairing works - but I'm going to have my best friend for two weeks here <3 We know each other for three years, met via Internet and met only once, in January this year, but our parents are completely okay with this idea <3 I can't wait for it!
How about you? Are you having your vacations? What are you planning?
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