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Brigita, 34 y.o.
Yogyakarta, Indonesia [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 8 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
inactive user
happy life
long and happy life for you and all family
inactive user
Happy birthday,
long and happy and wonderful life for you full of love and peace
and a lot of success
good health,be strong be happy ,smile always
wish all the best for you and all your dreams be true soon
inactive user
beautiful eyes
magic smile
good health for you and all family
inactive user
Hi Brigita! Terus terang panglima takut minum kopi sama orang Indonesia! Mungkin ada orang yang ngefans sama jessica deh! Bisa gawat nih! Apalagi Jessica diundang ikut minum kopi bareng! hihi Panglima ditraktir wedang ronde aja yaaaa. Panglima lihat kabar kopi sianida di media Indonesia.

Bagus ta. Brigitta perduli pada kebudayaan jawa. Salut!
Daripada ikut lomba makan krupuk atau lomba karung. panglima lihat pergelaran tari Brigita aja 17 augustus!hehe

Mmmm....Brigita mojang priyangan ya?? Kok pakai MAH dan ATUH..........
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2016
hi ! :D i hope you have a nice day!
inactive user
Hi Brigita! Brigita seneng ngopi yo. Panglima langsung traktir Brigita aja. Mau minum kopi luwak, kopi lawak, atau kopi bersianida aja? hehe Aaaah ngopi di Indonesia bisa jadi gawat nih! hehe

Panglima pernah nonton pergelaran tari Golek Sulung Dayung di kraton. Asyiiik buanget. Apa Brigita juga pernah mentas di Kraton?

Salam sungkem dari belanda.
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