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Mike, 46 y.o.
Yeovil, United Kingdom [Current City]

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Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 62.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 7, 2015
inactive user
Great profile! Like your list idea. Have a good day, Maree
Reply - Conversation - Mar 15, 2014
like your love\hate list!
inactive user
Have you read - The Count of Monte Cristo?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 23, 2013
Im very interesting reading your profile,,
Nice to meet you and i hope we csn be friends?
Greetings from indonesia,,
Reply - Conversation - Nov 16, 2013
omg - that quote from Oscar Wilde is one of my fav! I majored in English Lit- so good to see someone with similar interest here. Im Jennifer from Malaysia :)And I love foreign movies too! Hope you get better.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2013
wow thats nice. so where is home? i understand you are writer, have you written anything about the farm/home?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 3, 2013
The smell of cow manure? lol anyway im just passing by. hope u have a good day
Reply - Conversation - Oct 31, 2013
Hey!! I'm so glad my message made you happy! And trust me it always feels great to hear from friends when one is unwell, to know that there are people who care!! You're a busy man, that's great! :) And it's good to know that you're getting proper treatment! That's very important in this condition. It's very kind of you to offer to check my papers but sadly they'd all be in german. My biggest tension at the moment is this term paper that I must write in a matter of five days. My theme is Holocaust and I would basically be dealing with Elie Wiesel's book "The night" ( which I couldn't find a german copy of I'm afraid. Also I first need to totally understand the holocaust ( read up stuff in english first then in german) and then pick a perspective I'd like to talk about. In my case I feel inclined towards writing it from the victim's perspective ( since Elie Wiesel is a survivor and I might also talk about Anne Frank and may have to read her book too) but as of now it's just some high handed term that I'm in no position to talk about in a reasonable manner if you know what I mean :( So yeah if you're into Holocaust by any chance jst give me a thumbs up ;)
And it turns out we both dream of a somewhat similar thing.You are stormed by books while I'm kinda locked around them .. more on that later hehe :P It's bloody late here , must get a nap :P
Reply - Conversation - Oct 31, 2013
I didn't have anything particular to say..just wanted to stop by and ask how you're doing and just by chance I happened to read your status message..oh gosh I'm so so sorry to hear about the slip disc :( It is very painful indeed. I wish you a speedy recovery n hope that you have enough people ,books and interesting stuff around you to keep you distracted/engaged, whatever helps keep your mind off the pain and also that you're getting proper treatment.
I may not be writing so much during the coming month coz it'll be loaded with assignments, term paper, and end term exams. But Dec 6th onwards I'd be free! However I will try and write when I can.
Take good care of your self!!
P.S. - I hope you know that your username is not Bookworm but Bookstorm :P ( a typo i think ;-) )
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