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Lieze, 32 y.o.
Kathmandu, Nepal [Current City & Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals


Bachelor's degree

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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 106.
Reply - Conversation - May 30, 2021
It worst now, my mom died last march and everything is not the same now, we got conflict with my sisters and i don't have permanent job now.. but i wish it will be getting fine soon..

I don't use this account but if i missed my friends here i do online.. i saw you moved to Nepal? How are you there is the covid getting your life worst there? I am dreaming to climb the Base camp of mount Everest.. ohhh how i wish 🙂 ..
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2016

How are you doing? how is life now? it was so long time when we exchanges mgs here..

hope to hear you soon...
Reply - Conversation - Mar 26, 2015
Je peux t'aider en français, si tu veux! Je suis belge aussi, donc, ça serait bien pour moi de parler néerlandais un peu de temps en temps aussi ahah :) x
ps: "Forgetting my coffee under my Nespresso Machine and noticing it too late when the coffee is already cold" ahaha, i feel your pain :D
Reply - Conversation - Mar 24, 2015
Hello, I can help you with spanish, I play videogames too (Counter-strike, Dota)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 24, 2015
I can help you with French.. I guess :p
Reply - Conversation - Mar 24, 2015
Ohhh so that magazine is not a hard copy? hmm can you send me link on it? pls... i just want to read your article :D.. Yeah me too i love to stay in forests and usually we climb mountain and stay 4 to 5 days in forests... it was really nice feeling and you will forget you worry if you stay in forest like no need to brush your teeth and wash you clothes or take a bath with so many soap and shampoo on your hand.. it was really awesome feeling to leave urban and quit peaceful in mind..also if i am in beach but usually i need more beers in hand while staying in beaches hehehe.. what about you? what u really like doing in woods and beaches?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 24, 2015
Ohhh but i know you can listen Metal..Cool last time we guided some american Guy to Mt. Apo and he was so amaze of the rain forest here... Wow i will try to check in some magazine store if i can find those magazines here.. :D i am your instant fans now hahaha.. so your BF playing in a band?
in the past i play in a black metal band and i quit cause i want something and i need to work abroad but now i am back and trying to start new band with new style.. what you want in South East Asia? maybe the beaches? or Waterfalls? or maybe the new taste of foods and people.? i wish i hit even just one of what i mention lols..
Reply - Conversation - Mar 24, 2015
Ohh why you don't listen to them? maybe it was not usefull bcos of Mp3 players and stuff like that... btw what magazine you are writting? i just want to read some of your interview.. i wish one time you will be going to make a vacation in my country in the near future.. :D i really welcome those who are into the same taste of Music here and maybe we will make some sort of metal show so you can also witness what is the metal music scene here :D..
Reply - Conversation - Mar 24, 2015
WOw really? you're not kidding? Wow i was really amaze on you.. i really like Enthroned and Dutch band Sinister i think they came from Holland.. Nice meeting you you have so many stuff when it comes to metal music?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 24, 2015
Renei83 31, Davao, Philippines
Delete - Reply - Conversation - 0 seconds ago
Ohh really? they been in your country? they're from Indonesia if i am not wrong.. you haven't seen Impiety? btw what other metal bands you like? i usually listen into Norwegian and most of European Metal are from Belgium so i think you know Enthroned? as i heard they came from your country..:)
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