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Anneflys, 30 y.o.
San Diego, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 162.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 1, 2011
hey man how are you doing on that novel you were working on. Srry i havent messaged you in a long time got caught up with school and learning the guitar.
inactive user
inactive user
it my mama's year!!
inactive user
oh!! but be happy!!
new year is coming!!
happy New year
inactive user
oh cool.. nice to know that!!
how are you doing today?
inactive user
你好!!'re not half chinese ?
inactive user
i am in Chula vista!
sorry mispelled!!
speak Chinese?
inactive user
that is kind far!
you sleep chinese right?
inactive user
oh!! i am sorry.. i thought you were living over there! cos by the time i was asking, where in sd your live, you said you're in Disneyland!!
where in SD you live then?
inactive user
just bored most of the time..
so you're not living in SD anymore!!
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