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András "Andris" Török, 35 y.o.
Debrecen, Hungary [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 483.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 15, 2012
Hello :D
inactive user
It's about a guy.. He likes me like crazy but anyway. im not in england i just changed flag
inactive user
Not bad what about you ? :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 27, 2012
jajaja I'am not asian I'am latin...but is for my eyes?...i like me..
inactive user
Umm nope i dont but others might and no born in.cyprus
inactive user
Elnézésedet kérem, elmondom őszintén mi történt. Megnéztem az üzenetedet az üzenőfalamon, de akkor hirtelen nem írtam vissza, utána pedig efelejtettem. Nem magyarázkodás, csak ismertettem a szituációt. :)
inactive user
Kurdish :D
inactive user
Abszolút nem ijedtem meg. :) És Te vagy az első magyar ember akinek írok itt :)) Gratulálok :D
inactive user
Köszönjük, hogy segítesz tegnap :P :D
inactive user
Hey! :P
Don't worry about it...I'm sorry for my late response also.
Anyway, I just slept & ate & did some Homework last weekend. Probably the same thing I'll do this weekend also. Except, it sucks because I'm sick... :( & my eyes are sore & my throat hurts...dknskjvs! It's awful... >.<"
Thanks, hahaha...^^ Good thing that you're brave then! I don't know nor care too much about the guys in NZ. Generally New Zealanders don't like Australians so much... :P Only a theory though.

OK! Argh, don't punish me, come on... :D
I'll learn your lessons! ^^
LOL...hahahaha. No, no. I mean "we do things indoors" as in just watch TV, read books or surf on the Internet or something... :P Any normal activities indoors...not anything relating to what you were thinking... :P

Thanks! ^^
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