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Alicia, 29 y.o.
Halifax, Canada [Current City]



Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 30.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 23, 2010
Hello ! SORRY for this late >_<
How are you :D ? LOVE IT !
What song are you listening this days ?

Bye ! :DD
inactive user
Well, thanks! Haha! Uhmm... I'm okay. I'm moving in a few weeks so I'm a little depressed... I have to leave all my friends. But it happens to everyone so... It's all good! Haha!:)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 21, 2010
Hi :D! thank you for the message >_< ! First, i can't speak english well , so excuse me >_< !! And you look cool too :D !
Yes ! Nirvana is a really good group ! Kurt Cobain was the best player of guitare for me x) !
Do you know "Les Betteraves" ? i love this group *_* !

Byyye !
inactive user
Ohmigosh!! I can't believe I never talked back to you!! I'm really sorry. I was never on cause I just got a myspace and was really excited so I just stopped going to other websites... Haha! It's so weird looking back at stuff from when I was younger! Lol. So... How are you?? :)
inactive user
hehe do i? lol :P
i dont really think so... im not like id love to read all books ever exist lmao :P and not really studyin type hehehe
yeah just have to choose the right school :))
inactive user
ohh next year is my last on high school so im pretty scared of my draduation lol :D :P
but after taht im goin to college or uni.. :)
havent decided where to go yet... what about u_? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 24, 2009
ic i know Billy Talent :)
i have been to concerts of simple plan,linkin park,lostprophets,new found glory and one republic.
i'd love to go to green day's concert
but they never come to hong kong :(
Reply - Conversation - Jul 23, 2009
which band's concert have u been to?
inactive user
yeaaaah we didnt :PPP
shame on us... ^^
im pretty good ehhe... doin nothin all days long lmao :D (beocz of summer break) but the days aregoin to fast heh... and i dont want to go back to school hehe
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2009
hehe thx for being my new friend!
i'm okay
btw how many concerts have u been?
last august,i saw simple plan's performance ,shook hand with them and got their autography!
jeff is super kind!
since then i fall in love with them XD
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