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Alexia, 27 y.o.
Nantes, France [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 703.
inactive user
inactive user
Oh tu m'as envoyé ça le 03 janvier :o j'ai pas remarqué désolé :P
Donc t'es en terminale aussi?;)

Tu veux qu'on parte en message privé?^^
inactive user
Hey coucou^^ oui oui je suis bien un spécimen rare en tant que garçon L hahaha ^^'
Je présume que tes aussi dans la même section que moi^^'
Et bienvenue sur mon Très Beau Profil ...mouahah le mec qui s'y croit trop la! XD
inactive user
Hey :) Thanks for leaving message on my wall <3
How are you?
inactive user
oh right, really? Because on the news here it said it wasn't in it xD
inactive user
haha okay, I will try and watch it soon :D
I love that song! But it's not in the movie, it got rejected :D
inactive user
yeah :D

No, I haven't seen the Hobbit or the Lord of the Rings, all the movies are very long and I usually get distracted xD
inactive user
I'm just going to go shopping tomorrow :3
My favourite movie is probably Memoirs of a Geisha, I would highly recommend it! You? :D
inactive user
I had my holidays 2 weeks ago :D

Yeah, I like staying in bed and I like watching movies xD
inactive user
just had school xD but today I will just relax :D
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