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Ah reum, 32 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 10 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 14.
inactive user
Hiiii :) ~~ I'm Miyeon and I loooove Korea ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jan 14, 2014
Thank for message
inactive user
Ah, tu travailles.....
Oui et il y a encore des gens demandent ID de kakaotalk.
Mais faisons attention.!!!!.Peut-être ils sont déjà connaissent la Corée
ou aiment K-pop...hhh
한국도 모르는데 어떻게 카카오톡을!!ㅋㅋ
bon courage pour ton travail..
inactive user
qu'est ce que tu fait maintenant///
Reply - Conversation - Dec 22, 2012
Why?!!!!! Didn't you go part time job?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 21, 2012
i got it!!!!i wasn't check my email so i can't contact u hh..;;;;;;;
inactive user
ㅎㅎ그래도 난 오늘 공부했당~~
크리스마스 모,집에 있는거징ㅠㅋㅋ
넌???~~~ 외국인 친구를 사귀서 크리스마스를 재밌게 보내라구~~
inactive user
모야 ㅋ자꾸 왜 이상한 소리해~~~
나 사람들 보고있지ㅎㅎ프랑스 사람들..책 읽어야되는디..ㅋ
inactive user
아름이 다운 사진 올렸어ㅋㅋ귀여운사진ㅋㅋ
inactive user
아름아..살아있니??역시 나만 여기 빠졌던게 분명해ㅠㅠㅋㅋ
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