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AaronGuhl123, 33 y.o.
Lancaster, United States [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 116.
inactive user
Happy birthday~~
inactive user
Well I'm not even watching lol I'm typing. xP
inactive user
He makes me watch it every sunday but I'm too sleepy to watch and I have a headache lol
And I'm tired of Family Guy.
inactive user
Trying to stay awake =___= friend is over, but her is over here 24/7 lol He is watching the new Family Guy.
inactive user
ohhh nooo ><
What the heck lol
inactive user
hahahaha your logic hurts my head xD lol jk
inactive user
hahaha maybe you think you are awesome xD
inactive user
hahaha no no no xP how about you write that on your own status lol
inactive user
Hmmmmmm I don't know to what....I'm so sleepy so it still fits xD
inactive user
hahaha that status is so old xD
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