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Aaron, 27 y.o.
Milwaukee, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 324.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 28, 2020
Emmanuella is my first name and Adu-Adjei is my middle and Last name
Reply - Conversation - Mar 28, 2020
Its my full name
inactive user
Hey! Much sugar hugs for you ☼
inactive user
thx my dude
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2016
Yeah dude! It's awesome, seriously
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2016
Happy birthday Aaron! Bon anniversaire ;D lol remember when I tried to teach you French, that was a fail :p 生日快乐 alright that's all the languages I know xD
inactive user
we use to all get along but theres a ton of drama in the family now so the older ones hate each other and my little sister and i try to keep the peace. not happenin.
ah yes! a couple months ago i went to build a bear and got a new dinosaur, it was the funnest experience since ive been a "teenager".
haha yeah, well i wouldve been if i wasnt so shy back then. everytime i talked in youth group it sounded like i had swallowed glass. ive also been homeschooled all my life so that was probably the main reason i was shy. its faded a tad.
inactive user
awwh, yeah i no longer get along well with any of my siblings. im 4/5 and then i have 3 step.
I'm still pretty childish so my love for dinosaurs (and Dr Seuss books) hasnt faded one bit, i still have little dinosaur figures (no regrets).
my brother was mainly into anime and comic books so i was the shit to boys in like 5th grade xD
inactive user
haha well when i was younger all i wanted to do was hang out with my older brother (i only have one bio brother and 3 bio sisters) so i liked everything he did (i was and still am a huge tomboy), i started liking dinosaurs just cause he did and thats one of the few likes that stuck with me. My favorite is a Styracosaurus!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 29, 2016
As soon as you see these, message me back, okay???? I'll explain everything. Sorry to worry you. :(
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