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14OLYA14, 34 y.o.
St Petersburg, Russia [Current City]



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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 2 months ago.

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Reply - Conversation - May 8, 2009
9 May....
Victory Day - a special holiday. It personifies also pleasure of the great Soviet people which have defended freedom and independence​​of the Native land, and bitterness of the suffered losses, sufferings and burdens. The great price the victory in the most severe and bloody war in the history of mankind has got. In millions lives our country has paid releasing the world from fascist slavery, from oppression of a black enemy swastika.

Thanks to unprecedente​​d courage, courage and heroism which showed to all world the Soviet soldiers, we never will forget about the most important thing: the Native land at us one on everything, is the greatest value, and one on all an irredeemable​​debt to those who fought to death for each span of the native earth. This day we bend heads before soldiers-fro​​nt-line soldiers. Expensive veterans, accept our huge gratitude and admiration of your feat, sound health and longevity wishes!
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