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J3laNii, 30 y.o.
Brooklyn, United States [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1716.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2009
Reply - Conversation - Jun 14, 2009
loveeeeee i miss ya :D

how u doinn ?? <3
inactive user
Same really xD

anything new happening?

inactive user
D: oh no!
well ill see :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 7, 2009
Dang...that's nothing like down here!! The only thing that is common with that is that this one school i want to go to i would have to audition if I had to go for Piano. I have to bring in 20 pieces of my best art because I want to be a visual arts major in the school.
inactive user
hahahah awsome

im just online talking to people!!! lol
inactive user
Yeah! I've never been before. I really can't wait. If you come here I really reccomend the Shropshire country side, its away from any danger.
inactive user
Hm first of all, there's nothing called "Instanbul".
But yeah maybe. ;)

Yeah a lot. But things kinda related to our history.

Ohh fine!
Well first of all, according to what is known TODAY, Turks' firstly lived in the Middle Asia and it must be right if we take a look at the Orkhon inscriptions and so on.
After a while (not sure how much, that I cannot tell right now) the conditions there became pretty bad so that we ended up immigrating to Anatolia. Just before having new civilizations there, we had that interaction.
Probably why many people think we're Arabic is our religion, right? Well I bet you know the first church is here, and yeah - Turks used it also. But our religion BEFORE having suffered from Arabic culture was Tengri belief, which was also common in China and so on.
Turkish language WAS not actually related to Arabic at all.
STILL it's so much like Hungarian and Finnish.
Almost the same as Azeri.
There are even many common words with Japanese!
Turks tend to learn these languages much faster than average, according to the researches and books. (I'm not talking randomly. This is bothering me, the fact that we're being compared, so I have to read much more than I already do, I think.)

I have things to do with a friend, so have to go.
Just tell me what is missing afterwards.

Take care <3

When does your holiday start?
inactive user
Hey, i know

hows you?

p.s sawi bout the late reply been really busy

inactive user
i love soul and R&B
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