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Y o a n, 30 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 5499.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 19, 2012
inactive user
bitch please.
Reply - Conversation - May 17, 2011
Oh no sorry , I don't have it .
inactive user
inactive user
i sent ma msn in the message :D
can't wait to talk to ya (:
inactive user
hahaha xD
i love yoooo toooooo :D
and naaah -.- i just have facebook or msn ^^
inactive user
yeah gangsta, imma check it out now xDD
inactive user
haha :D
i live near lake constance, if you know this lake XD
and i use german haha :D

haha okie dokie :D
i'll be waiting for your message :P
i'll be waiting.... (singing with the melody of lenny kravitz's song XDD)
inactive user
haha yes :D did i tell you once that there is an indonesian restaurant? :D
i haven't been there for so long!!! i miss eating there, it was so delicious :D

aww i miss you tooo :)
anything new i should know? :D
inactive user
i'm so happy you replied! :D
why did we lost contact? xD and then for that long time... XD
oh we're so stupid :pp
and thanks a lot <333
you're very pretty too :D
i'm really good thanks a lot (: and you?
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