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YoungKyu Lee, 34 y.o.
Seongnam-si, South Korea [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 17 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 210.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 4, 2008
hey i got your letter! :).. im soory i havent talked in while.. i\'ve been soo busy with school and everything! i mailed you a letter today, so hopefully you\'ll get it soon!!.. :P .. take care!
inactive user
요즘 어떻게 지내세요...? 그냥 다시 여기 들려서 글 좀 쓸라고요 ^^ 오랫동안 안 쓴거 같아서요!
inactive user
^^ It\'s ok!! Take your time! : ) You need to tell me alll about China though : ) It sounds lovely!! ^^ And your very welcome! :) !!! Hope youv\'e been well!! I got a job recently, so iv\'e been working hard haha :P It\'s very tiering! >__< xxx
inactive user
Hey! I got your letter today! I will reply as soon as i can, Thanks ^^
inactive user
Ahhhh i\'ll come kidnap you and bring you to scotland!! XD, first i need some money to buy a plane ticket...although i\'m sure if i were to go to Korea, i wouldn\'t come back here!! :D haha. I sent you a letter the other day there!! Your dog is so cute!! :) and i loved the little drawings on your paper!!! ^^. Hope your doing good lately!! :) ohh and yes my ears are peirced. :] x
inactive user
Oh, you go to church? Every Sunday? Yoot. :D Are you Christian then? Haha, I never go to church! ^^\' It\'s so boring. -3- Hmm, things are going fine over here... Lots of snow. :) But myself, I\'m just so so. ^^\' I\'m gonna watch anime tonight and just play video games! _ _;; Maybe they\'ll cheer me up *lol* Happy New Year, by the way ^^
Reply - Conversation - Feb 5, 2008
응~~안녕~~댓글달아줘서 고마워서 들려 봤어..나보다 나이가 많다 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ언니라구 해야하나??여튼 잘지내보자궁~~
Reply - Conversation - Feb 5, 2008
yeap, im hoping to go to an art univeristy to study arts, and get better at it:)
inactive user
네, 저도 대학교 가는거만 기달리고 있어요! :] 그럼 대학에도 그런 머리에 대한 규칙 있어요?? 저는 오늘 노는날이었어요~ :] 네일부터는 수학 반이랑 임간 학교 (?) 가서 3일동안 수학공부만 할거에요 ㅜㅜ 지인짜 힘들겠는데 친구들이랑 가니까 괜찮기도 할거에요... 으악 그런데 그 동안 다른 과목에 숙제 낸거 못 해서 갔다오면 어렵겠네요... xD 복잡해라~ 하하 그런데 요즘 날씨가 좋아서 다 괜찮은거 같아요 ^^ 한국엔 요즘 어떼요?
inactive user
Thank you! I bought it at Saks 5th Avenue! :) I love the color, too! How is Korea?
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