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Yangrongbin, 41 y.o.
Jilin, China [Current City]



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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 165.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 9, 2008 has been such a long time since I've replied you! How are you? I've been super power busy lately... The final exams are nearly here and I've been studying non-stop for midterm tests. stressful >_< I've been spending most of my time in the lab as well, doing experiments for my thesis. Were you this busy when you were doing your thesis? I feel like there's no time to rest. Haha. you write your own songs? Well, I think you're being modest...haha...they should be good... I have to put aside my guitar-learning for now...boohoo... Yesterday, i went to a Chinese restaurant that served Northeast China cuisine. The owners were from China and we had quite a long chat with them. I thought the food was very good and very unique. I wish I can go to China to try all the yummy food there... What's the specialty in your place?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 14, 2008
I'm really good thanks.
Sorry I never replied, my net has been down for a while.
How have you been?
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2008
哈哈 台獨份子阿? 阿扁唷 在台灣也很多人不喜歡他啦。 不過 說實話 我算是中立的 我只希望保持現狀。你會排斥嗎???
哈~~~我最近 也交到一些新朋友 ,打撞球(彈子)認識的。 嗯~~雖然認識不久,不過 挺能交心的。感覺很少,我也希望像你一樣。能夠多跟一些不認識的人亂聊。哈哈 。我最近越來越怕坐火車了。因為很無聊 ,呼~~要我坐七八個小時不如殺了我吧 = = 在台灣 ,我覺得 跟陌生人聊天的機會不太多耶。通常都是搭訕 ,哈哈。
嘿嘿~~我等你發達耶。 一定要從你身上撈些油水 哈哈哈
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2008
嘿 sorry, 我也很晚才回覆你 ,最近 我真的很懶得回留言了= = 因為 有幾個比較好的朋友 蠻常在msn上聊的 所以這裡就比較少在回了 呵呵。 你的論文搞的怎麼樣啦??祝你成功耶
耶~~~偷吃= =?? 我還沒女朋友 再怎麼吃也都是正大光明的吃呀 哈哈。這樣子也好呀 有個愛你愛到海枯石爛的女友。改天放你女朋友的照片上來看看囉。給我鑑定一下 ^^
哈哈 原來你喜歡林志玲阿?? 那有沒有去看赤壁呀?嘿嘿~~~林志玲有一段激情戲唷 xd
嗯~~總之高收入的國家 物價就相對的高 低收入的 也就物價低啦。像歐美國家 收入高 但是物價也高的可怕。所以~~日子能過最重要 哈哈
inactive user
hi cutie pie :P
inactive user
So what do you think? I know it is dumb.
inactive user
well, it is about a girl that goes on vacation with her two friends. You need to read it to see what it is like.
inactive user
I have to find some of my poems and I will send you one. I don't stay up this late all the time. lol. I read pretty much anything. Really I just started listening to them. The three guys aren't really my type. I like the song the kill. that is a good song. See I am very talented. I had played piano for three years. That was up until 2000. Just keep reminding me about the poem or whatever you want to read. You want to read the first three pages of the book I started?
inactive user
It is 57 minutes past 12, but you are right. My life is great. Well, I like to read, write books, write poems, write lyrics, write scripts for movies, listen to music, sing, and just be me. I want to learn to play the electric guitar. Yes, I have heard of metallica. My parents listened to them at one time in their life, but I haven't. I love rock an' roll. Music is like my life. Have you heard of 30 seconds to Mars?
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