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Marie, 32 y.o.
Montréal, Canada [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 276.
inactive user
yeah it's lovely tasty. I envy you because you don't have to take a kind of English Test like IELTS which I study ToT It's difficult a bit.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 19, 2009
How was your today??
Here is so cold....
inactive user
Pretty Fine!
It's okay It doesn't matter! ^^ I have two cancadian friends in Korean, but they are just korean-canadian so colour of their skin is yellow hehe. One of them is my best friend!

so, How are you,then?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 17, 2009
thanks to your visit
inactive user
hello thanks for visiting! :D
inactive user
you should take some medicine or go to bed ㅜㅜ

OMG!!! 3pm!! quiet difference!!
i have been watching korean drama haha:D
inactive user
Im good~~~:Di just need to sleep here is 3am!!
how about you?? and what time is there??
inactive user
Hi ^^
thanx for your compliment!!
You also so cute ^^
Reply - Conversation - Oct 26, 2009
... ;D
Je l'sais que chui belle.
Et je spam ton interpals d'aplomb.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 25, 2009
Ouin ouin ouin. My love hein?
Non mais tsé. S'pas parce que chui une fille facile qui faut en profiter D;
J'pourrais raler de la marde pendant des heures ma foi.
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