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Wilsonmassaru, 49 y.o.
Sorocaba, Brazil [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 939.
inactive user
he Wilson

How are you ?? i hope you are good and healthy hehehehehe.

with regards Paul
Reply - Conversation - May 4, 2010
hey wilson remember me:)
inactive user
Ola, obrigada pela sua msg na minha foto.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 4, 2010
I'm on winter break now.I just had my entrance exam for university last month and I don't need to study in the rest of my break.xD
So you should take care of yourself!I hope you have a nice time.:D
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2010
Oi!How are you?
Long time no see.:D
inactive user
Hi, I'm not bad...How are you?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 21, 2009
opaa concerteza brotherr!
como eu falei, agora sim um site de relacionamentos de pessoas cultas e adultas =D
abraços brotherr!
inactive user

watashi wa genki dayo!

ki wo tsukete!!! sabishiyo!!!
inactive user
Olá, meu amigo! :-)

Sorry for my late reply, please. I was very busy with my studings. Yes, I study economy. I don't study informatics, I have only an informatics course. We learn Java there.
Yes, sure, I like sports. I do gymnastics and I like to ride a bike and walk in the forest. My dad is judo trainer as I told you. So, my family likes sports :-) We watch football, boxing and we enjoy watching the Olympic games together.

Oh, it would be very nice if you could help me to learn Portuguese :-)
Can you tell me about your city? How many citizens live there?

Se cuida! Tenha um bom fim-de-semana!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 28, 2009
soo na.
ki o tsuketetanda kedo mada tsuyoi kaze o hiita! =T
datte ima daijoubu des (Y)
mottemasu yo !
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