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Viki, 33 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
Reply - Conversation - May 18, 2009
hi, thx for leaving a message Viki :))
Reply - Conversation - May 16, 2009
Korea two verison.....That makes me sad.......
but I'm thank you for Korean
North Korea and South Korea use same Korean...xD

hahahahaha Nice to meet you toooooooooooo!!!:33
inactive user
Lets see... *runs off to grab reading calendar* I've read eighteen and three quarters of books. :) Yea, I'm so not making it to 100 this year.

lol Aww, I love cats. I have two, too. Their names are Tee and Fat. n_n; What're your cats called?
I want one of those Sphynx (hairless) cats. xD
inactive user
There was that kind of mystery thing going on in the beginning of Eclipse I thought was pretty cool. ^_^
True, everyone says they loved Twilight, hated New Moon, and then have mixed opinions about Breaking Dawn, but nobody really talks about the third book.

lol I'm supposed to be trying to read 100 books by new years, but I've been slacking off. P:

Do you have any pets? My moron border collies are hopping around play fighting with each other right now. .-.
Reply - Conversation - May 14, 2009
that's not difficult!!!!
YES. The north is communist
um.......I'm so young so..... I can't dwell Sorry!
but! I can wrote Korean. one line is Korean and other line translation Einglish. okay?
Nice to meet you.
viki야! 넌 너무 이뻐!
viki! You're so beautiful!
난 네가 너무 좋아!
I like you very much!
Reply - Conversation - May 13, 2009
thank yoooooooooooou!!!!!!!


I'm fine thank you and you?!
KOREA is nice:33333
inactive user
I'm not a fan of Twilight, to tell you the truth. xD The writing is good, and somehow it glued my hand to the covers so I couldn't stop reading, but I dunno why. o_o
But anyways, I liked all the bad guys... and Jasper and Alice are cool. 8D
Breaking Dawn? It was cool to get all the details of Bella's being a vampire! I wish Meyer'd done it earlier, it would've been much more interesting. :) But I didn't really like Breaking Dawn that much. The plot seemed a awkward and the whole weird vampire baby thing was freaky. I think the third book was the best.

Have you read The Host? I thought it was better than Twilight, I quite liked it. :)
inactive user
Hey Viki! Thanks for writin' me. xDD You seem like an awesome person, too. :D

So you like vampires? What's your fave book in the Twilight series? Fave character?
Reply - Conversation - May 12, 2009
Nice to meet you>_<­­
I'm ye sol!
You can call me Lynn!

How are you?!:3333
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