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Seul, 37 y.o.
Uijeongbu-si, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 87.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 13, 2012
seul! wow, you are amzing!! =]
my name is josh! I'm from NY visitng Uijeongbu because of my Grandmother over the summer!
I want to make lots of friends and hangout with new friends before i go back to the states in Sept !
inactive user
hey how are u? hey what are the main newspapers in south korea? do u read newspapers? i collect them from around the world. where do u buy newspapers over there? also, how much do tires cost? what brands are there? do they sell rubber inner tubes? please get back to me. thanks
inactive user
Gomawa for your compliment on my pic. ;)
inactive user
Hi Seul! I just wanted to come and say anyong! Well I just wanted to meet some korean people and maybe make some sincere friends in korea. Sometimes its hard to meet korean people since I can't speak korean and that I live in korea these days. I have great respect for the country and love being here. Anyway, come say hi sometime you seem like a cool girl ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jul 16, 2010
hello seul,
how have you been?
inactive user
Hey hey Seul. Just wanted to say hello because I wanted to meet new people from Korea. I should be working but I'm on interpals so I work very hard huh? hahahaha. come say hi sometime.
Reply - Conversation - May 19, 2010
how are you?

i hope we can be friends
inactive user
Haha. Ok! I will.

Yes, later! :)

inactive user
Yes, I do. :) Very little, but I am learning. It will be a week before I am able to typle hangul though. I am using my mothers laptop and it does not support hangul. When I get my laptop I can speak Korean with you if you prefer. :) Thanks for responding. Talk to you later!

inactive user
Hello!! How are you? I am off to bed, but I wanted to say "hi" first. Talk to you soon! :D
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