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Sarah, 29 y.o.
Birmingham, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 26.
inactive user
I'm great too :D
It's cold (-5 degrees) outside and rainy so I will don't go take a walk ^^
But I will probably do a cake :p. I live in a small city so I can't do many things :D
inactive user
Hi Sarah :)
I'm Kilian :)

How are you today? :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2012
Oh, crap. I just realised my posts (as well as both of your last two) were cut short... Well, I believe I only asked why you'd switch from French to German, and that I like both pizza and frites + steak, but that I prefer the latter, especially if I can have coke (which is better than mineral water). ^^

Oh, and that you should get playing guitar again and upload vids. ^^

Anyway, should start writing messages instead, haha. xD
inactive user
i went to the strip club and did the whole dance see what would happen haahaha but i normally get my self killed..then at the hospital i storm in and start shooting people......hahahahah its more realistic this time XD
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2012
Haha! Well... Dreaming about making powerpoints is better than not remembering your dreams at all, I suppose! I only remember mine like once a month on average, probably. Must be because I sleep for such long periods of time when I do sleep, and sleep irregularly. The dreams I do remember are often either very sad, very very weird, or both. :/

Yeah, it's a good way to expand vocabulary. Combining the two with reading literature is probably especially effective. =)

Hmm. I wouldn't say busy... I just waste a lot of time, haha. I usually play guitar at least 2-3, and up to 14 hours a day, then I cook, eat, watch films, play video games, read random stuff on the internet, sing, go out with friends, watch hockey, watch/read about american football, watch tv series, buy stuff or look at stuff that I want to buy online, etc. xD

It is. I should change my last name to Clapton and try to get some royalties to live on... :P

If you make it based on my book you will end up in Coke believers hell! Where you will have boiling tea water/coffee thrown at you 24/7 for eternity! My god is as forgiving as that of Christians. ^^
I'll have to give that... something coffee a try before I condemn the beverage for all eternity, though, but don't get your hopes up! :P

I can't say I know enough about women's clothing to tell, I'd need to see a picture of you in the outfit to judge it, I suppose, but I don't generally like floral patterns, though that dress was actually quite cute. With the right combination of shoes and accessories it could be really nice. :)

Haha. I'll make sure to buy some if I find a good-looking shirt that suits me. x)

Wow. Does either of your parents work for Casio? :O
Kafka Burger, what!? I must have it! I love hamburgers, I love Franz Kafka, and I'd love to quote Samuel L. Jackson by taking a bite and saying "Mmm... This _iiiiiis_ a tasty burger!". Speaking of which, I love the guy who's taking the order in this clip:
inactive user
o.o.....hahahahahahahah XD
inactive user
XD dont worry ill my people take care of them! your contacts wont get away with this! *im playing GTA4 so im in the bad guy mood*
inactive user
bastards.......oh ill find them......
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2012
So you're looking to have an out-of-body experience? Shouldn't be too hard to fix though. Indeed, you could count ordinary dreams as such, couldn't you? :P
Wrestling a bear sounds a wee bit more dangerous, you might want to consider doing that while in your out-of-body experience... xD

Are you good at Scrabble? I've never tried actual Scrabble, but I was pretty good at Wordfeud (before I quit it because I felt like it took up too much time, of which I don't have much xD).

Hmm, I just might. But I'd need to save up quite a bit of money first. :/
I have! I wrote it. But it's called the Book of Beverages, and the first commandment is "Coffee and Tea are not beverages, they are mistakes".

If you love Doherty, you should love Babyshambles! x)

I always wear check/plaid/tartan pattern shirts, haha. Currently sporting this one by Gant

I don't participate in Flannel Friday since I haven't heard of it, haha. I don't think I have any shirt (maybe one) which I'd refer to as flannel though. Mine are too clear in colour and too... cotton:y, I don't know. xD

I don't get that reference, though, is Casio a brand of melons as well as a brand of cameras, musical instruments and watches? ^^'
I like watermelons, but I prefer potato-based dishes to those based on pasta or rice, etc. Got to love Gratin Dauphinois, Pommes Frites (chips/fries), baked potatoes and Pommes château with some sort of beef/fine pork meat and a good sauce. <3

For how long did you play? And how good are you? :D
I don't play concerts often, though I love it (hard to compose a band out of people you can stand and who have similar taste in music + are decent at their instruments xD). I don't have any videos on Youtube either, though I'm planning to upload two or three pretty soon as a christmas + birthday present to a friend of mine. x)

I don't think you have to be one or the other, I like playing both approximately the sa
inactive user
i do ;) WHO TOLD YOU!?!? O.O
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