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Desiree, 34 y.o.
Markneukirchen, Germany [Current City]

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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 32.
inactive user
Well I was belonged in a worship band of my church. I\'m a christian. well I tried to make a band in my school, but it was failed.
well I have to go back to school domitary tomorrow
it\'ll be hard to exchange the message.
if you want, e-mail me. [email protected]
or [email protected]
inactive user
well I see...
but some of my friend learn German....
they told me it is a little bit alike with English
but it\'s also difficult....
inactive user
I thought that german language is alike with English
inactive user
sorry i haven\'t been writing alot just really busy. so how have you been? and for real school in the usa is hard well in the couple years its been harder and harder
inactive user
nope but I\'d like to
inactive user
yes..I have some......
inactive user
hi...have missed you
inactive user
well do you have any e-pals from korea?
inactive user
oh well i start at that time and finish at 2 30 but the problem is that i take a.p classes and its hard and to much work so i have to spend all my time on school.
inactive user
hey i been good really busy and you? sorry i havent written back is just that school takes up all my time.
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