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Shawn, 33 y.o.
Evansville, United States [Current City & Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Some college

Relationship status


Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 2 months ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 35.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 4
رمضان كريم على كل أصدقائي المسلمية السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Reply - Conversation - Jan 15
I have an interest in learning a bit of Chinese in this new year. Would any native speakers be able to help me?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 23
الله يحفظ أصدقائي في لبنان 🇱🇧 الله معكم
Reply - Conversation - Jun 20
Man, I sure would love to hear how exactly President Duda plans to break up the Russian Federation into various ethnic states. Good luck with that, dude.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8
The baby killers must've had their rifles on safe if all four came out alive. Remember when the IDF killed their own hostages while being released because they "thought they were Palestinian"? In any case, why take so long for the chicken shits to finally do CQB operations? Yeah...uh...we think there is still 120 of our people there...but uh...let's keep bombing indiscriminately and hopefully not kill them in the process 🤡
Reply - Conversation - Jun 6
Gee, I wonder why some women on Tinder receive unsolicited **** pics. Certainly they have done nothing to give the wrong impression, right? Totally marriage material 🙄
Reply - Conversation - May 29
Just a reminder to IDF baby killers and the AshkeNazi government: for all the tough talk of that coward Bibi, that imported mutt, he is nothing without outside funding. Just think, where would they be without the western bankrolling them? Destroyed. The Israeli occupiers have this mentality of a bratty kid who gets in the face of others and childishly says "You can't hit me, I'll get my big brother!" Then when he gets knocked on his ***, he cries like a ***** and wants his brother to clean up his mess. One day, his brother will shrug his shoulders and say take care of yourself. The eternal punishment will be quite the painful one for the AshkeNazi import.
Reply - Conversation - May 22
I didn't know an Australian porn star changed her name to Kate Esther and is living in Nigeria now. This profile has "Trustworthy person" in the About section. How ironic. Mods, where are you on this crap??
Reply - Conversation - May 22
So, Palestine is recognized in the world and Israel condemns it. Cry about it, Bibi.
Reply - Conversation - May 20
Looking for someone who can teach me Mandarin Chinese. We can work over WhatsApp or Skype or Instagram. I am an absolute beginner and only know a few words
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