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Mohamed, 41 y.o.
Sydney, Australia [Current City]

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Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 34.
inactive user
Thanks for your Birthday text. You are most welcome and I really appreciate it.
inactive user
Happy Birthday :)
inactive user
Thank you! Tell me how you've been! I've added more pics and wrote a note about India
Reply - Conversation - Apr 14, 2014
Thanx :D Nabil. Let the adventure begin :D Right? :)
inactive user
lol, hahaa.. I know.. I was very religious..
I hated everything western and non-Islamic..
when you fear Allah.. you become a total freak xD
I don't judge the religion by the people but at the end of the day.. most of what you do did come from religion and Muslims can't deny that those acts some Muslims do aren't Islamic... it's just like saying.. omg... no that person who raped you didnt want to rape you... he was just horny -_-
-bombing for peace is like ******* for virginity.
inactive user
it was in my 'hobbies' part of my profiile..
it symbolised that I like getting crazy and party,,,
u can be religious and have fun... Allah never said don't have fun... u can make anything halal if ur intention is good.
yeah, when I was little we used the Egyptian alphabet with my friends to write secret messages to eachother..
inactive user
Thanks :) I'm leaving tomorrow :) Today is my last day at work then packing, saying goodbye and...some exciting experiences ahead I hope.

Have a great week! :)
inactive user
haha, yes, 10 days until leaving :) We'll be sent plane tickets on monday :) Hope you're doing fine!
inactive user
Thanks a lot for your kind words :) Tell me how you've been and your news
inactive user
Did you know that your profile is almost the same as PtolemyII? I can show you the link:
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