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Solange Lima, 44 y.o.
Campinas, Brazil [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 17.
inactive user
Hi nice to meet you welcome to Dubai i hope u like
inactive user
So great :-) I'm not a rich, ugly, fat old man, especially not rich, so don't you worry. Could you tell me about you previous education?You're dealing tiwh Applied Linguistics and it's really interesting, what have you studied earlier.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 15, 2010
heya how you ?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 23, 2010
old fat men unite! ~dog gone pretty brazillian girls!

Big laugh!!

be blessed

some guy in minnesota whos going on a diet.. giggle!!
inactive user
hope you had a Merry Christmas hun:)
inactive user
hello teacher
inactive user
Keep in touch and hello hope you had a good day
inactive user
Hello Solange:)
inactive user
hi teach... I\'m just missing all the people from uems.. lol... I\'m pretty good... and you?
hope see you next week...
Reply - Conversation - Jan 8, 2008
Hi :) Just wanted to leave my footprints ;)
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