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Shaun, 45 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 332.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 13, 2012
Sorry for reply so late. I am good. Now doing graduate study at philly of USA. What about you?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 1, 2010
Hey mate,

How are you? I assume you have been following the world cup? England were awful though! I never really liked the english football team,but these days since I study there I thought I would support them,but they were disappointing as usual,I suppose. How did you find their performance?

I guess it's gonna be either Brazil or Argentina who will win the it.What do you think?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 3, 2010
Hi there nice pic
is london long haul enough for you i could teach abit of cockney tho lol
inactive user
So, the bet is officially on right? As of today, until the end of this year, let's see how many fish we'll each catch, but let's not count the really little ones... Take lots of pictures too, you know I love them! Later Gator... Renee
inactive user
That's the best way to go about things - taking it slow... It must be hard with the long-distance thing, but it's amazing when you love someone... - you'll do anything for that person even if it means you have to wait a lifetime! I can't wait to hear more about her. You must have tons of pictures of her - I'd love to see some if you feel like sharing.:} I don't know what the heck is wrong with me. My neck is so itchy...I'm just sitting here itching away, my neck is so red now... I'm gonna go and take a nap, Shaun. Carter is napping so I better get some rest before it's time to run around after his cute little monkey bum again... Talk to you again soon! By the way, we got a huge outdoor/sport store here in town and I am going to send you a little something-something to help you out with your fishing, seeing how you're going to need it.. haha...
inactive user
I was just going to ask you if there was a special someone...awww I'm really happy for you Shuan! *smile* Where does she live? So, I'll be invited to your wedding right? I am so stoked about summer! Carter just started walking a couple weeks ago and now he's running. He's a lot like me loves to be outdoors. Everytime, he's cry and if the weather's decent I'll take him outside and that seems to keep him really happy.
inactive user
let's go with the biggest in length and weight. I didn't do much fishing at all last year. Hard to do because I was nursing Carter. You have no idea how excited I am about the summer, can't wait to show Carter the world. How about you, did you do much fishing these past couple of years?
inactive user
Shaun!!! There you are! I've been looking for you! Well, the bet is on again - let's see who will catch the biggest one this year...
Miss talking to you... Renee
inactive user
the photos are beautiful.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 12, 2009
hello guy! :)
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