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Ryan, 37 y.o.


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 39.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 7, 2010
Reply - Conversation - Jun 25, 2010
I believe it. I love american Hot Dogs, Cookies, Brownies and Doughnots. I wish your team much more goals.
inactive user
aww, but the insides are soooo prettyyyy :( it's SO high end, ah I love them. :O Ive never been to a casino with the free drinks rule before! but it's smart... and sneaky... but also has big holes, like, if they were free id totally come there to drink only coz you wouldnt HAVE to gamble now would you?! why are you a hippie in your pic? :p and why are you on the floor in the other one?:p lol
Reply - Conversation - Jun 25, 2010
I would love to travel to the states to watch a football game in a stadium. I think USA did better than england in the world cup so far.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 25, 2010
Yeah, new orleans did a great job. what's your favourite team?
inactive user
No, but the thought sounds very exciting! You drink for free there?! But WHYYY? I wanna move into one, now.
inactive user
They did disappear! I know it! =P
I sure will, my heart is where fun is! hehe
inactive user
No problem! =)
I think it's cause I heard of planes disappearing off Fort Lauderdale and all that jazz, but yes very strange. The placename Martha's Vineyard also freaks me out! =P
That's cool, no never been to America, maybe someday though.
inactive user
Hey there,
Thanks for the page view =)
You're from Fort Lauderdale, that placename always freaks me out, don't know why! Reminds me of planes or something! Hehe =D
inactive user
i have lived there for 6 nearly 7 years
but i still live in scotland too
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