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Loreta, 35 y.o.
Wellington, New Zealand [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 15 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 143.
Reply - Conversation - May 26, 2010
what have u been up to?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 14, 2010
Do you feel better or still sick as a dog ?
Take care
inactive user
Hey, how's your week so far? Mine has consisted almost exclusively of watching cartoons and feeling depressed. :p
inactive user
English is a wonderful subject. I am very proud of my native language and I feel it is my duty to help preserve it in any way I can.
inactive user
Youth work would be a great field to work in, but I do think you are very wise in keeping your options open and seeing what comes your way - who knows what could happen. You may be able to do youth work and something else as well.

I would like to be an English teacher abroad and my big dream is to be a writer as well.
inactive user
Wow, they sound like pretty complex subjects. What made you decide to choose those and what would you like to do for a career?
inactive user
Sounds like we could both use a little motivation then. What subject are your uni papers based on?
inactive user
Well to be fair I've been feeling quite depressed lately. But I have been attempting to combat it. I've begun work on a new novel (well, I say novel but it's highly likely that it will get published) and I've also been phoning around looking for potential jobs so hopefully my labours will bear fruit in good time. How are you doing?
inactive user
For my first (and perhaps my only car) I would like a small hatchback like a Renault Clio or something along those lines.
inactive user
Oh well, I'm sure the money will be worth it in the end. Have you any idea about what car you'd like once you pass your test?
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