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Vladimir, 26 y.o.
Moscow, Russia [Current City]
Cheboksary, Russia [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person


Bachelor's degree
Computer Science


Malware analyst

Relationship status

In a relationship

Joined 3 years ago, profile updated 8 months ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 12
Let's chat!
Reply - Conversation - Jan 4
Reply - Conversation - Nov 11
It's just Monday but I'm tired already
Reply - Conversation - Nov 9
Reply - Conversation - Oct 10
Friday is almost here...
Reply - Conversation - Sep 21
I like poems of Evgeny Evtushenko so much. I want to share with you my favourite one translated in English (not by me), but it cannot really convey all the feelings from the original text in Russian. So if you have an opportunity to check it in russian, you're welcome. The poem is called "Людей неинтересных в мире нет" (There are no uninteresting people in the world).

"There are no boring people in this world.
Each fate is like the history of a planet.
And no two planets are alike at all.
Each is distinct — you simply can’t compare it.

If someone lived without attracting notice
and made a friend of their obscurity —
then their uniqueness was precisely this.
Their very plainness made them interesting.

Each person has a world that’s all their own.
Each of those worlds must have its finest moment
and each must have its hour of bitter torment —
and yet, to us, both hours remain unknown.

When people die, they do not die alone.
They die along with their first kiss, first combat.
They take away their first day in the snow…
All gone, all gone — there’s just no way to stop it.

There may be much that’s fated to remain,
but something — something leaves us all the same.
The rules are cruel, the game nightmarish —
it isn’t people but whole worlds that perish.

People die. Their deaths can’t be reversed.
Their secret worlds won’t be traversed
again. And all that’s ever left for me to do
is cry, How can we lose you, too?"
Reply - Conversation - Sep 19
Day without a pizza is a night!!!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 18
If you think you're broken a large pizza will fix it!!!!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17
So it's a food talk! If you don't mind, please tell about your country's national food which you like the most. For Russia my favorite is блины (generally it's like pancakes, but way more thinner) with сгущенка (condensed milk) and пельмени.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17
Error: "food" is needed to continue work...
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