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Samantha, 31 y.o.
Rhondda, United Kingdom [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 312.
inactive user
happy new year for tomorrow :)
inactive user
do you still want to be a child psycologist like you told me a while ago.
inactive user
pretty bad actually
F for art didn't do any cousrework really.
E in English and maths and history.
pass in b tech science when i was at school i hated i thought whats psycho going to do for me life alot of the stuff at school i seen as pointless so didn't do it but i did get a foundation certificate in building craft occupations.
inactive user
two A' thats great you did way better than me congratulations to you:)
inactive user
hi how have you been ? how'd you do on your on results hope you did well.
inactive user
Yeah, I hope you enjoy it! :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2010
inactive user
Sociology is basically the study of society. :)
inactive user
Wow, you are lucky to only be doing 3 classes. I am doing's a lot! For the first 2 months only, I am doing CPR/First Aid. My other classes are Interpersonal Communication, Sociology/Psychology of Aging, Human Sexuality, Spanish, and Research Methods. That is cool you are taking Sociology. That is my major at this point in time. :)
inactive user
Yeah, that's cool! :) What classes are you taking in September?
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