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of 229.

How are you doing today? I'm really glad to hear that you cooked żurek! Even though I've just eaten dinner, I could murder a plate of it now. It's one of my favourite Polish dishes!
And sounds that you really had a great time in Taize. Good luck next year! One month is quite a long time, I'm sure it's gonna be even more unforgettable experience for you. Do you know what exactly are you gonna do there during this time?
I've just viewed the Interpals web-page and noticed its new outfit. What do you think of it?

how are you?

It's really been a long time since we talked last time. How are you doing? I'm fine, thanks for asking. I'm having a summer break at the moment, which means I can enjoy some free time with absolutely no duties.
You were traveling around Europe? That sounds really great! What countries did you visit? And I'm sorry to hear about those unfriendly people you encountered in Poland. I hope that didn't discourage you and you'll come back here to visit some other, probably bigger towns and cities. And did you like żurek? That's one of my favourite Polish dishes! ^^
Yes, I've heard about Taize, but never been there. Did you like it?
Take care and I hope to hear from you soon.~
що ? tak się mówi jak się chce kogoś odgonić, głównie jakiegoś owada, psa czy ptaka hehe
a Ty teraz po jakiemu pisałas ? polski to to nie jest, na ukraiński też nie wygląda... :] a z gramatyką masz problemy ? hmmm dziwne...
a Ty teraz po jakiemu pisałas ? polski to to nie jest, na ukraiński też nie wygląda... :] a z gramatyką masz problemy ? hmmm dziwne...
это не кирилица, это гражданка :) czemu powoli ? przecież to jest prosty język... niewiele się różni od ukraińskiego, wiec co Ci sprawia problemy ?
hi.. hw r u??
як идзиэ наука полскиэго ? :)

Haha, how could I forget about you? ^^ I've been very good recently. I got back home from a trip to Paris on Monday and now I'm getting ready for some outdoor classes which I have to take part in. In order to do that I'll go to the seaside! I'm really looking forward to it. How about you, how have you recently been? Anything new? How's your vacation? =)

I'm pretty well, thanks for asking! How about you?
You're really lucky that your first session is already over (we call it the same here). I'm in the middle of my own~ It wouldn't be that bad, I guess I'm very lucky on most of my tests and exams, but math... I really cannot pass it. I took the first test and I failed, I took it once again and failed, now I'm getting ready for the 3rd one. Actually, most of the people cannot pass it, so I'm not worried too much. But still, it'd be good to get through this all.
Oh, I'm sure you won't become a homeless :) Don't worry! And homeless is "bezdomny" (masculinium form) and "bezdomna" (feminium form) in Polish.
Have a great day and keep yourself warm!

I'm sorry for being so late with my reply, but my computer broke down and I've been not able to use it for few weeks :/ But finally it's fixed! :D
The weather in Poland has been really winter-a-like :D The temperature fell down even to -20*C!! And we have snow xD Although it's a bit warmer now than few days ago (few degrees under the 0).
No, I'm not catholic, I'm agnostic :) but still, my Christams was great and so was New Year's Eve ^^ How about your holidays?
Happy New Year to you too! ^^,
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