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Trey, 31 y.o.
Irvine, United States [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 450.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2012
Yeah it was! aha. But i like doing labs! It was more fun than doing like classwork! haha.
but yeah 10 years issssss longgg. but GOOD LUCK. haha. so you can become a LEGIT doctor. lol not a halfway cheap doc. lol but I'm soo looking for retirement already too! ahah gooo old people! :D
inactive user
I do he's really good ha. Wooh I'ma go to girls state :D I'm super happy ha.
inactive user
Why do you think you won't be getting financial aid? :O
Are you like super well-off or something? haha

Ohhh snap, did you get any rejection letters yet?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 29, 2012
haha i remember doing that cheek cell lab too! that was boring..
but uhh idk dead body thoughhh..haha. that's pretty tough stuff lol
but can you handle another 10 YEARS OF SCHOOl. haha just kidding! you can probably do it.
inactive user
Noo!! NY isn't that cold. :)
Oh, you don't want to dorm?
Hmm do you get financial aid?
inactive user
I know huh. Diam today was hella fun.. We had a pep rally for Black history month and we also had our dj for prom come down
inactive user
That's whats up haha.. (:
inactive user
oh why don't you want to go? :o
inactive user
columbia accepted you?!
inactive user
Ah gotcha haha
o snappp congratsss!!
which college was your first choice?
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