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Peke53, 69 y.o.
Rotorua, New Zealand [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 24.
inactive user
Hi, how are you?
inactive user
Hey mate whats cooking down under?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 9, 2011
Aha, you seem to be a composer ? Regards from Belgium - always welcome to come listening to some of my compositions and I would like to listen to your music as well if possible.

Have a nice day,
inactive user
I'm sure you got lost in worries...I'm gonna find you...I have the map!!!!!
inactive user
Hi how are things down under. I think it will be fun to have a pal in NZ. I love that country. Do send me a note.
inactive user
LOL LOL don't know why that made me laugh, Wayne, it just did!
Happy hiding, mate! LOL
inactive user
Sounds like spring and your musical inspiration are in line, Wayne. I'm happy for you. Music is great!
inactive user
LOL MacDonald's voucher!
Good to hear that things are going well. Hoping the new treatment fulfills the promise. As to Christmas....that's a whole OTHER conversation!
Take care, Wayne.
inactive user
Hi Wayne--Yeah, things are going good--am getting some peace and quiet as my girls spent the night with an older sister and my son was at a mate's place. Peace and quiet is a rarity in my place, at night anyway! LOL.
How's your health? Still good? What have you been up too lately?
inactive user
Where the hell are you?????
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