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Pavvy, 33 y.o.
Dublin, Ireland [Current City]

Looking for

Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 134.
inactive user
I tried Bewley's ; ]
inactive user
Hi! How are you?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 4, 2012
english at high school!
that's why i wanna learn more about english!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 4, 2012
I'm a teacher.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 3, 2012
I know.
but if it heavy snow, it's really hard to do everything!

I'm working!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 3, 2012
in winter it is snow almost everyday.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2012
it's really hot even in sapporo.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 2, 2012
inactive user
You'd better not ask. Funnily, having to admit that I have to do some courses in practical philosophy makes me embarassed. I suppose I've lost my heart to theoretical philosophy. o_O
But since you asked: I'm writing a paper about how the question of 'the meaning of life' can be addressed. How theories about it are justified (if they are justified at all) etc.
Not exactly interesting, but still better than writing about specific theories as such. I prefer the meta-approach.

Well, it's easy to find people to have irrelevant conversations with, sure, you just have to write a "hi how'r u" wall post, or even simply "sup". (Well, doesn't work always, I guess). I was rather thinking of interesting conversations, but you say it yourself later on, so I suppose you understand.

But there's one thing I disagree with: you say that if people have a detailed profile, others know all the superficial stuff about them already. It's just that I, personally, forget most of the informations I find on profiles, even if the profile makes me actually approach people. So I can ask all those questions again xD Usually that leads to "ah, now I remember why I started talking to you"-experiences.

Funny. "Being full of oneself" and "not so fond of taking picures of oneself" somehow don't go well together ^^

Showers? What the hell did you expect : p
inactive user
Exactly, summer break. Which, gladly, still leaves me with a lot of work. At the moment, that is research for a paper.
What are you busy with, if I may ask? °u°
It's funny how you are so self-confident and think that you'd actually find 20 people who want to talk to you : p (I'm not saying you wouldn't, but how can you be so sure?) I can understand your not being too motivated about interpals; same here, really. I used to be very much into it; actually found a few good people here, but since I deleted my account last year, I can't take it that seriously anymore : >
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