Novelia Astra, 26 y.o.Speaks
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9 years ago,
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Ojo lali klambine dicoret coret dhisik yo! haha Diuber pulis panglima ora wedi lho! Whuuuuuush tancap gas wae wis ucul teko uberan pulisi! Pulisi memble wae ambek mesthi gak sempat nembak sikile dhik Novelia! hahaha
Dina iki dhik Novelia ribut opo? Memble ingarep komputer yo?? hehehe
Enggko lek ketampi dhik Novelia kepengin milih jurusan opo?
Terus bersemadi nyang pesarean bung Karno.
kepengen sinau boso londoh yo dik novel. Wani piro? hehe
Panglima wis ngerti dolan nang kuthamu dik Novel.( numpak truk kebek watu ) Panglima isa boso jowo, tapi dik Novel ora isa boso Londoh yo.......kalah deeeh!
Happy Brithday Novel :)
Always be happy, hope your dreams will come true :D
Wish you all the best :p
Don't forget to treat me :D XD
Always be happy, hope your dreams will come true :D
Wish you all the best :p
Don't forget to treat me :D XD
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