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Noemiaa, 30 y.o.
Melbourne, Australia [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 11 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1281.
inactive user
we play tottenham on saturday, we can place top4 if we win :) I'm so stoked! omg, I got this cute scorpion belly button ring. I want to instagram it and show you! haha yeah, everyone has different tastes.
inactive user
all pierced up haha. also, industrial piercings look siiiiick to me, I want one so bad. I don't know that I could pull off the look though/

I don't engage myself in any sort of snow activity, I'm such a debbie downer but I really do hate snow lol. I'm sure it'd be fun though.
inactive user
I definitely remember the helix and belly button piercings :) what kind of piercing did you get now? I semi want to get dermals, I haven't made up my mind yet though. & hey, I'd kill for scorching hot & raining right now. It's snowing baaad here :/ & good luck @ orientation, sounds so exciting though :)
inactive user
omg naomi did you see the video of podolski, muller, mertesacker, and shweinstager doing that web interview thing? I had to look for the translation but they are hilarious, I love them all even though we just got smashed by you guys today haha.
inactive user
I work front desk and book flights, nothing too extravagant haha. aw yeah :/ I'm sure they'd discount you since you are coming to study abroad though, just gotta check into it and take advantage of it. haha aw long beach is ghetto naomi, try USC Berkeley also and see if you like it. SDSU is in la jolla, it's gorgeous there. omg I forgot you were a bayern fan :/ ughhh gomez could give me a heart attack looking at him. he is so beautiful. arsenal has some good looking players also but I'm upset with them at the moment so never mind that but olivier giroud is pretty dreamy ;)
inactive user
Mexico is awesome! I went last summer for like a week. I haven't seen geordie shore but I've heard of it. I'm not working there anymore unfortunately but I work for an airline here now so that's a plus. woohoo lol. It's not hard to get into a college to be honest, just the cost and figuring out how you will pay tuition, board, living, etc.

noooo, do not, I repeat do not go to a low IVY school or cornell. To study abroad and go to a low ivy school would be a joke to be honest, and you don't get the same college experience you would as just a regular student.
I certainly did watch :( poor, poooor performance.
inactive user
well, in cuba prohibits any kind of contact with america and the same goes for america. Cuba and America aren't too keen of each other so you'd have to travel to another country to get to cuba even though it's literallly 90 miles from florida. It's more expensive to travel to the islands than it is mexico.
you apply yourself and depending on where you apply, they have different placements that usually determine cost or just whether or not they will accept you. how does it work there? OMG I was going to go to san diego state but I chose kansas over SDSU and syracuse university. Also heard purdue is nice too though, I like their basketball team haha.
inactive user
I reeeeeallly want to go down to florida for spring break, that's a big here in the states. My friends went to Mexico last year without me, I want to go there too, I don't know yet. It's not hot there at the moment?
well you know you can always rant about them with me :) just like old times. melbourne sounds dandy, if I book a flight I most definitely will. what do you think of new zealand?
I have 2 years left so meh :( how about you? omg naomi yess come study in america, I'm sure you'd love it.
inactive user
lucky you've already finished school, I'm just waiting on spring break at the moment haha. thank you btw :) I didn't want to do anything too dramatic to it haha. when is the best time to visit australia during the year? I want to go, gotta start saving up now but saving for brazil 14. WORLD CUP :) ...if I can. uni is askdljsakdja stressful I'll tell you that. plentttty of good looking guys but I'm not talking to any currently haha.
inactive user
jdfhdsjkfhsk aw you got an iphone? I still have my HTC but I love it haha. we have so much catching up to do girl! how's the life guarding been? how is school?
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