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Daniel, 35 y.o.
Houston, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 21.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 29, 2016
به نظر میرسه شما به فارسی علاقه زیادی دارید
inactive user
That's pretty interesting...So what is the jewish community like in Houston? I've never spent much time there. I go to a reform synagogue here and it is pretty nice, but the population itself is pretty small.
inactive user
Do you mean there was a Chabad rabbi in Lincoln? I'll be honest I am a little surprised by that I have never seen a hasid here once in my life, never even heard rumor of one haha. I really think I will look into contacting somebody in Omaha though, thankfully my Weinreich Yiddish English dictionary just came in the mail today so I finally have some real material to practice with. Sorry for the late reply, Thanks.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 23, 2015
Salâm, thanks for visiting my profile :)
inactive user
Thanks for all the helpful tips, it has been very difficult for me to find anyone around the area I live that is fluent in Yiddish...As you can see I have a basic understanding I just really need to polish it up as my speaking is still quite clumsy.
inactive user
איך בין פייַן , אָבער , מיין ייִדיש איז זייער שלעכט
inactive user
וואס מאכסטו?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 11, 2015
hahaha i did not understand a word you said !!

yungalkku tamil nalla Theriyuma..?

haa hindi jantha hai bhaiyya?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2015
haha iam from kerala so i know malayalam.. i studied @ tamilnadu so i know tamil and i work here at gujarat !
inactive user
You should learn german. Because it sounds very good when man speak it! haha
Can be a very romantic language also. I love it that it can be like Lego! We like to create new words with putting words together. Fremdschämen
Fremd = Foreigen
SChämen = to be ashamed
To be ashamed for someone else mistake :D

Most people say, german sounds hard. But that is not true. When you listen to native speaker you will see, it isnt at all.

Have a nice time!
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