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Laura Bollinger, 62 y.o.
Verona, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Postal pen pals


High school


Caregiver for the elderly

Relationship status


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 11.
inactive user
hello saw your ad thought id write I am owned by the spoiled cat you see here on my profile. I like email and snail mail

lorie from Illinois
inactive user
Hi, Laura!
inactive user
Hello im stephanie. I love purple green and dr pepper
inactive user
Hi, Laura!
inactive user
( Support literacy...b​uy a box of fortune cookies today!! )

?!??!?? are you stoned ??!??!??
inactive user
Yes, I am having a "slow" time, so thought I'd try to connect and reconnect. I start nursing school in January - I am so excited!
inactive user
Happy Independence Day!
Reply - Conversation - May 21, 2008
Hi, NDNChick. I'm guessing you didn't find enough interesting stuff in my profile to drop a line. I didn't know there were any skins in Texarkana. I spent about ten years in the urban Indian community in Chicago, Illinois.
inactive user
Weather report: It snowed overnight!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 29, 2008
Hi Laura,

Thanks for writing me...hope we\'ll become good friends! I didn\'t mention in my reply, because I hadn\'t seen your profile at that time, but I\'ve driven through Texarkana. I was on the way with my family when I was a kid to visit relatives in Houston. Anyway, hope you\'re having a great weekend so far...\"talk\" soon...
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